So I decided to not come back to Utah. Here I am in Oklahoma. It’s pretty nice seeing everyone again. I missed this place a lot more then i thought i would. So far I have had one job interview but turned in more applications. My dad reminds me every day how horrible it is that i don’t have a job yet. How many days after Christmas is it? Yeah, let’s think about that. At one point i think it was the day after i got home I went around to see all my friends, My dad was quite upset with that. Then the next day he says, "Geez Kirsten, don’t you have any friends at all?" I was sitting on my bed at that moment in time and he had just gotten back from taking majority of my siblings out to their friends’ houses. Last night I was going to my friend’s house, because yes, I, Kirsten, have friends. Shocker. Yeah, apparently i am 16 again and need to leave him all the information before i leave. You should have seen him last night! Ridiculous! It was like i said,... "Hey dad I'm going out to do drugs now and possibly have drinks with this guy i barely know all by myself, tootles." when in reality i said, "Bye dad I'm going to Alex McCafferys to help dye her hair." .....sound alike at all? Then when i go to hang with them he complains that i am wasting my time and wasting gas. Make up your mind father. Can i have friends or not!? While i was at Alex's he had told me to call at 10:30 so i did, and he freaks out saying, "Why aren’t you home yet!?" well, i am calling like you said to. "But you should have been home by now, give me a time est.!" Well we have to finish Alex's hair and it’ll take me around 25ish minuets to get home so I’m gonna go with an hour and a half. "Kirsten, That’s midnight." Yes dad. "I want you home alive tonight." Dad, I'm sure the family i am with will not kill me. "That’s not what i mean" ......Whatever dad see you then! So my dad now thinks that if i am out past midnight, i will die. There is no ifs ands or buts, i will die. Thank goodness i got home 20mins before midnight last night. Just 20 minutes more and I would have come home dead. Phew! I suppose staying over at someone’s house is out of the question now. Darn. I think it is quite stupid that they are treating me like this, let’s face it, i am 18 years old. Legally I can be out past the city curfew. I have nothing to do right now because I'm not sure if i would be allowed to do anything with my nonexistent friends that waste my time and gas...... good thing i have real friends that do nothing of the sort! I can’t wait till summer..... I want a job. I want to save up all my money and get my own place, but then i wouldn’t have a car. Because the car i drive is “My dad’s car that he lets me drive”, that is the official title. Don’t get me wrong, i like being home but the "I think you’re on drugs" thing got old Jr year. Why its starting back up again I will never know because they don’t talk to me about it. Ever. Just saying, I would take a pee test right now, you wouldn’t find anything in me! Meanwhile, my brothers are in California for New Year’s. What am I to do for New Year’s? You guessed it, I’m thinking nothing because obviously I would end up dead because New Year’s in fact takes place at midnight and sometimes, surprisingly, can last longer than that! And we all know that’s just not safe. I hope everyone else has a great Friday night…. Thanks for reading my bitching. I’m sure I am allowed to use that word for my dad uses it all the time, and let’s not forget, that I am also 18.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
My letter to Mos.
Dearest Kelsey, Mos,
I am currently in the airport, very bored and quite stuck in one place. This so called carry-on weighs too much! The handle has broken so I can no longer carry it as normal. Oh, and the best part is I cannot go anywhere without all of my bags at all times; therefore, I am pretty much stuck unless I want to literally drag this Hawaii bag with me. No chance there so I shall be holding my pee till I arrive in Tulsa; Four more hours to go; Joy. Well, I shall tell you what I see right now. There is a lady having a hoot with her little yorkie. How did that happen? I thought you had to put animals in the underbelly of the plane. I suppose not for she is a walking example. To be fair it is quite a cute dog. The girl directly behind me insists on constantly fixing her hair, it has been hitting me for quite some time now.
I spy with my little eye an Auntie Anne’s and I would very much like a pretzel but seeing as the little baggage problem I told you about has not been fixed I shall not get a pretzel. I will just stare at the sign, with a few tummy rumbles here and there. I have just realized they have changed the gate on me so I will have to move eventually. Thank goodness it is only one gate away from me. I also found out there is a flight boarding right this very second for Tulsa and of course it is my favorite airline, Southwest.
Oh! Bryson, Catherine, and my daddy shall be at the airport. Seeing as Tanner, Taylor, and Ethan have finals tomorrow, my mother thought it would be best if they got some sleep. But do not fret Mos! I have a feeling they shall be up all night waiting to greet me.
I have been invited to seminary tomorrow already. I might just have to go in order to get the car in order to get to tech! I suppose I shall do it, but I do so hate the morning traffic in Owasso. The schools are far too close to each other so the traffic gets rather heavy.
Just a random thought, why is it so much easier to write you a letter than an essay? It’s possibly because I can use my thoughts in your letter but in an essay I can never have my input or opinion in the paper. Yes, I suppose that’s it. I just sent you a picture of the water that I am drinking. Right after I pressed send it fell through the crack of the chair. Not cool. I can’t reach it. Geez. Are you ever gonna text me back!? I am thirsty. I can see the water but I cannot reach it, accursed connected airport chairs.
There is this annoying beeping noise Mos, and I have no idea where it’s coming from. I think it’s funny to watch people walk across the floor that moves, the thing that’s like a flat escalator. Those people look like speed demons and they are entertaining indeed. The lady with the dog just got up. She has the dog in a little basketball hoop looking thing tied to her front. That poor dog looked terrified. It also has a strangely long neck. I think I shall call this dog giraffe. This name is quite suitable for it, believe you me! I don’t know if the dog is actually cold but this lady who I will now name Gretchen, is putting that red blanket on the dog over and over again. Gretchen must really love Giraffe for she talks to him a lot; Maybe a little too much. Gretchen just shushed Giraffe, I don’t think Giraffe has made a peep that I have heard; Poor Giraffe.
This looks like a good place to make a new paragraph for Gretchen has stopped the shushing of giraffe. I will update you on them though, for they are quite the traveling pair. I want Giraffe for my own. I was going to say something about being so close to home that people are wearing OU shirts, then as the little boy got closer I noticed it was a Cardinals shirt. (Off went Giraffe’s blanket, I bet he is shivering his little tush off.) A man in an orange shirt just sneezed. And someone on the TV just missed a touchdown. What a waste of that run. There is a woman that just walked in and the first thing that came to my head was Purple Pumpkin. Please don’t ask me why, I do not fully understand this either.
I feel that I should move over now, there is room. But at the same time I look at all the stuff I have to carry and I am thinking I will be able to hear the announcements from here. I hope I can. Purple pumpkin is reading a book by David Something and snacking. Oh my is she snacking. I have a feeling they are Goldfish. Oh gosh, was I way off, they are chocolate turtles. I still see my water, I really want it. I am quite thirsty, stupid chairs. The girl that was hitting me with her hair is apparently secretly getting married, oh the joys of having a loud conversation everyone can hear. And a woman dressed in a red jogging suit just walked by me with her little boxer dog. I suppose Gretchen is not the only living example any longer. Do you think you have to put your dog under the scanner or have the security officer feel the dog up for random dangerous items? And couldn’t a dog be a weapon? Ever heard the term SICK EM BOY! I guess they don’t worry about silly things like that they have bigger things to worry about like water turning into a bomb or something like that.
I don’t blame them I mean anything is possible. Purple pumpkin gave a foreign boy a 50 cent piece so he could phone home or order a pizza, who knows! There is another woman who just sat down and the first thing I thought was Piglet! I think this is from her hot pink fleece vest. Well pardon me for a min. I have to move now…
I have moved and there are some new people, the one that caught my eye is a boy, not just any boy. He is argyle sweater boy with plaid underneath! But for sake of my typing we’ll just call him Argyle. Now Argyle is also reading a book I can tell by looking at him but I can also tell because he reads it out loud; very loud. But do not fear Mos, this book is almost done. I want to bet that I will be sitting by him on the plane. The most tragic thing happened, I had to leave my water behind in gate B25. Here I am in gate B23 still very thirsty. I forgot to mention that I cut my lip earlier with a piece of salt water taffy. I do not fully understand this either. But I would just like to say it is bothering me, very much so right now.
I think Argyle just finished his book. What is he to do now? He has Dasani. I am jealous. An iPod? Oh good choice Argyle! I wonder what’s on there. I am going to make a wild guess and say that it’s more “hardcore” stuff because Argyle has his ears gauged and his shoes look more like the shoes for kids that listen to that. Don’t argue with me. Of course he could be listening to Barney is a dinosaur or freaking Ke$ha! I’m not positive and will never know for sure till I ask him. I don’t think we shall ever find out Mos. Sorry I just don’t feel like randomly asking people stuff tonight. Weird huh? I need chapstick. Now. I love Carmex. The cut on my lip is burning a bit but don’t fear, it is a good burn!
Argyle has rolled up the plaid to a half sleeve that is quite the look. This Free Wi-Fi for all is not working, or I would be on Facebook or something like that. I have debated about taking pictures around me so I can give you a visual as well but I have a feeling people would get offended, maybe even feel threatened, who knows. I want to listen to Kid Cudi right this very second. I have currently started up my iTunes, with no headphones. That’s right I am the inconsiderate jerk right now. I think it’s low enough though. I honestly think I am the only one that can hear it. As I am listening to Ke$ha’s song Crazy Beautiful Life, I want you to take her advice and get a little high on life. Electric Feel is next, I don’t really have any advice on life from that song, give me a min. though and I bet I can make up something.
Why are people who work in airlines always foreign? I don’t mean like the skin color or anything I am talking about the accents. They are great and all and I wish I had one but when you make announcements on a plane or talk to me on a phone I want to understand you. Oh my gosh! I didn’t even notice this boy over in the corner! He is wearing an ugly Christmas sweater; and has many colors surrounding him that I am not quite sure about.
We are supposed to be boarding this plane in twenty min. or less and I have yet to see the plane I am boarding. I also just answered my phone and talked semi loud while listening to iTunes, oh yeah! I am one of those people we all love to hate! The flight attendants are currently freaking out about free food from the pilot. One of the flight attendants has quite a laugh, remember the video we watched last night with Glo-zell? That’s all I have to say. i now see the plane I will finish this in a few hours when I get to Oklahoma. It is now chilly in here. Argyle keeps looking at me, I do hope he is not listening to Whitechapel and thinking too much of the lyrics. Wait, that might be too much for him. Well I would like to tell you about my flight. This pretty attractive man sat beside me! But he was blonde, sorry. He is a wildlife fireman, something like that so he travels a lot. That morning he had been in Costa Rica. Well he was pretty cool I guess, he sped off the plane as fast as he could! Excited to see his family, I think not!
Well now I am home. A huge group of people just came by to sing carols. I mean like around 50ish people! Oh Maggie peed she was so excited to see me. And yeah, that’s life so far! Though, I did go to tech! It was quite fun! Then I saw Tanner, learned a disturbing fact about Kolby and Benton. Though I guess it was expected. Oh I do hope they don’t read this. I currently hear my daddy laughing at a movie. I have missed his laughs and hugs.
I miss you Mos! I yelled out to day saying, “MOS?!”, but you didn’t answer. I think I will miss that a lot, if not the most. Now I shall tell you all the things I will miss and we will take a walk down memory lane. Do you remember one of the first nights we were there I got out my scrapbook and actually showed you it? Holy crap! I am so lame! How about the time I left you that note to join me at the twilight show in pioneer park, then I got home before you? But in the while I got lost. I still don’t understand how I got back before you, you weren’t lost. Oh my gosh! The Greek festival! We thought we would find some cute guys there, and there wasn’t one. Remember the first time we had a “sleepover” then we started trading off nights for whose bed we would sleep in? I hated your bed because it was so cold! So, what movie are we gonna watch tonight? I think I watched more movies with you then anyone else! Including my family! Don’t worry, that doesn’t sound too bad right? Remember those days we went to church, and sat alone? I am so glad I had you to sit by. You will have to tell me how our favorite construction site comes along.
Oh gosh, do you remember when Ali moved in and we took her phone and laughed at it for what seemed like days!? Remember all those times we could hear each other in the shower screaming because the water would turn freezing in one second? Oh how I hated that shower.
I will miss so much! You were the best first roommate anyone could ever ask for! I love you! And I miss you so much! Thank you for being there for me and dealing with my saltyness or just my weirdness. And thank you for the letter! I love your letters! J
Love, Kirsten! Mos.
Friday, December 10, 2010
I don't care.
But in reality I do.
I haven't written a blog in awhile and I'm feeling kinda down today so why not right?
Bring me the horizon's new cd is playing and I am basically alone in this acurssed house.
Well, besides the regular people that never come out of their rooms, ali is at work, so is kelsey, (mos), and haleighs best friend ty is here so they went to the mall. Now back to the story.
I think I have said before that sometimes i really dont care but there are other times where i do care but there is no way in hell im gonna let any one see that and there are times when i care and you will know. I worry about how communication works these days. It's terrible, it sucks. I could say something like I have more opertunities in Oklahoma and it is translated into, I dont care about you any more i'm leaving. So lets chat about the Oklahoma thing, it goes along with alot of this. I am failing classes and I know for a fact that I will fail next semester if i stay here. So what did i do? I told my dad i was failing and not having a pleasent time here. Why? He deserves the truth, he was paying for my college and I wont be wasting any more of his money. Yes. I am a waste of money. Yes i am a waste of that widows mite yes i am a bitch sometimes yes i do complain other times yes sometimes i am grumpy and yeah i speak my mind and am honest. But that doesnt mean you have to tell me im a waste. or remind me im a waste of that widows mite. Sometimes i dont even care when people call me a bz or bitch. But in all honesty i have heard that more times here than i have my whole life, and its catching up to me and slowing me down. i have to say if people keep calling me this, thats all i shall be til i leave. THIS IS NOT ME. I dont know why utah, but i have become a bitch living here. I'm really not like that. Thank God i am leaving this place maybe i can go back to me and not be so stresses or tense. I have never wanted to cry so many times here. Thats why i dont talk out my feelings, i will cry. I hate crying, its pointless in my eyes and weak. I dont want people to see me like that. well i dont know what else to put. im done. im gonna go finish packing.
There is a Hell Believe me I've seen it, There is a heaven, let's keep it a secret.
Great lyrics. By the way, I recomend this cd. :)
I feel better now. Writing helps me. Talking it out, not so much.
Oh and dont get me wrong I will miss certain people here because i love and care about them but i am not ment to be here. Just found that out a little late.
I haven't written a blog in awhile and I'm feeling kinda down today so why not right?
Bring me the horizon's new cd is playing and I am basically alone in this acurssed house.
Well, besides the regular people that never come out of their rooms, ali is at work, so is kelsey, (mos), and haleighs best friend ty is here so they went to the mall. Now back to the story.
I think I have said before that sometimes i really dont care but there are other times where i do care but there is no way in hell im gonna let any one see that and there are times when i care and you will know. I worry about how communication works these days. It's terrible, it sucks. I could say something like I have more opertunities in Oklahoma and it is translated into, I dont care about you any more i'm leaving. So lets chat about the Oklahoma thing, it goes along with alot of this. I am failing classes and I know for a fact that I will fail next semester if i stay here. So what did i do? I told my dad i was failing and not having a pleasent time here. Why? He deserves the truth, he was paying for my college and I wont be wasting any more of his money. Yes. I am a waste of money. Yes i am a waste of that widows mite yes i am a bitch sometimes yes i do complain other times yes sometimes i am grumpy and yeah i speak my mind and am honest. But that doesnt mean you have to tell me im a waste. or remind me im a waste of that widows mite. Sometimes i dont even care when people call me a bz or bitch. But in all honesty i have heard that more times here than i have my whole life, and its catching up to me and slowing me down. i have to say if people keep calling me this, thats all i shall be til i leave. THIS IS NOT ME. I dont know why utah, but i have become a bitch living here. I'm really not like that. Thank God i am leaving this place maybe i can go back to me and not be so stresses or tense. I have never wanted to cry so many times here. Thats why i dont talk out my feelings, i will cry. I hate crying, its pointless in my eyes and weak. I dont want people to see me like that. well i dont know what else to put. im done. im gonna go finish packing.
There is a Hell Believe me I've seen it, There is a heaven, let's keep it a secret.
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"If I let you in, you'd just want out. If I tell you the truth, you'd vie for a lie. If I spilt my guts, it would make a mess we can't clean up. If you follow me, you will only get lost." ~BMTH :) |
I feel better now. Writing helps me. Talking it out, not so much.
Oh and dont get me wrong I will miss certain people here because i love and care about them but i am not ment to be here. Just found that out a little late.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Things I love.
These are a couple things I cannot live without! Anyone who knows me, at all, should know this.
Well now you're thinking, "Duh Kirsten, who could live without water? You have to have it.....stupid."
This is where I would reply "WRONG!!!!" The water you drink is probably some discusting tap water from the sink or non purified or sams club water bottle.
And you probably think water is water, its tasteless.
So so SO wrong. You have no idea how wrong you are right now.
ONE! water has a taste and there are different tastes depending on the brand, tap, purified, ect.
TWO!!! I can taste the difference in water!
Thats right.
Its like a super power.
And obviously you dont have it.
Hows that make you feel? i know, lame. cause you are.
But dont feel bad! I shall be kind and share my powers! here i will make a list of water that is okay to drink. Yeah im the best. No need to thank me. Youre Welcome.
Cold Ozarka. only cold. when warm or normal temp. it tastes funny.
Aquafina. I personaly love.
Disani is only okay when very cold.
Osmosis water. this is something you install right by your sink, its genius and tastes so good its almost unbelievable. one of my top faves. but like i said you have to install it..... I miss it!!!!!! :(
mavrick water is fine and so is american falls. in utah.
Now for a list of water that i try to avoid at all costs.
not in any particular order. these dont even deserve to be in bold.
1nestle life water crap....
2 any flavored water. why have that when you can have koolaid or juice. seriously.
3 sams choice
4 sink water.aka tap.
right now i cant think of any more because i avoid them....
Now moving on to something uber important. something i am without right now and that is a terrible thing to ever go with out.
This is something i always have with me. at all times.
atleast 2-3 of them. now what brand of chapstick?
CARMEX of corse!
i dont have any and im about to go insaine!!!!!!
my lips are chapped. :(
I need to go buy six more tubes of it!
I just found a half empty tube of carmex!
im saved!
for tonight! but i need more asap!
I cant believe going on a frantic search all over my room only led me to find one half empty tube of carmex.
i had gone maybe one and a half days without that stuff n lemme tell ya!
i was lickin my lips like a dog licking peanutbutter off the roof of its mouth.
i cant stand going without chapstick.
I start to call for it.
while franticly throwing things around trying to find it.
mmmmm. i feel so much better.
so I shall leave you with this.
Goodnight all! :)
chapstick is the best.
And so is the right type of water.
Well now you're thinking, "Duh Kirsten, who could live without water? You have to have it.....stupid."
This is where I would reply "WRONG!!!!" The water you drink is probably some discusting tap water from the sink or non purified or sams club water bottle.
And you probably think water is water, its tasteless.
So so SO wrong. You have no idea how wrong you are right now.
ONE! water has a taste and there are different tastes depending on the brand, tap, purified, ect.
TWO!!! I can taste the difference in water!
Thats right.
Its like a super power.
And obviously you dont have it.
Hows that make you feel? i know, lame. cause you are.
But dont feel bad! I shall be kind and share my powers! here i will make a list of water that is okay to drink. Yeah im the best. No need to thank me. Youre Welcome.
Cold Ozarka. only cold. when warm or normal temp. it tastes funny.
Aquafina. I personaly love.
Disani is only okay when very cold.
Osmosis water. this is something you install right by your sink, its genius and tastes so good its almost unbelievable. one of my top faves. but like i said you have to install it..... I miss it!!!!!! :(
mavrick water is fine and so is american falls. in utah.
Now for a list of water that i try to avoid at all costs.
not in any particular order. these dont even deserve to be in bold.
1nestle life water crap....
2 any flavored water. why have that when you can have koolaid or juice. seriously.
3 sams choice
4 sink water.aka tap.
right now i cant think of any more because i avoid them....
Now moving on to something uber important. something i am without right now and that is a terrible thing to ever go with out.
This is something i always have with me. at all times.
atleast 2-3 of them. now what brand of chapstick?
CARMEX of corse!
i dont have any and im about to go insaine!!!!!!
my lips are chapped. :(
I need to go buy six more tubes of it!
I just found a half empty tube of carmex!
im saved!
for tonight! but i need more asap!
I cant believe going on a frantic search all over my room only led me to find one half empty tube of carmex.
i had gone maybe one and a half days without that stuff n lemme tell ya!
i was lickin my lips like a dog licking peanutbutter off the roof of its mouth.
i cant stand going without chapstick.
I start to call for it.
while franticly throwing things around trying to find it.
mmmmm. i feel so much better.
so I shall leave you with this.
Goodnight all! :)
chapstick is the best.
And so is the right type of water.
Friday, November 26, 2010
The Bytheway House Ghost stories.
I shall make this blog like a horror story. Only because it's like a horror story that I am living in.
Chapter 1.
The first month.
"Don't you just live in the bitchin' neighborhood!" Daddy Williams said upon arrival to the Bytheway house. As the passenger in the car looked around she felt frightened and uneasy. They parked on the side of the house. She and her father got out of the car and looked at the house. It wasn't as big as she had expected. Built in 1911, red brick, a stupid plum tree in the front that just made a mess in the yard it looked ugly. There was a small wire fence around the yard and random sketchy people walking around everywhere in the neighborhood. It was getting hot so they proceeded to go to the front door and were invited in. Nothing was different, there was no air conditioning. As we began to unload the car we noticed there was another girl unpacking as well. Daddy Williams said "Go introduce yourself". "Hi, I'm Kirsten," Kirsten said. The girl looked up at Kirsten and said, "I'm Kelsey." And that was that, it was the biggining of a great friendship.
We'll speed this up a little. Mama davis, Kelseys mom and Daddy Williams, Kirstens dad, left the city about a week later. It was just Kelsey and Kirsten in the house alone for about another two weeks. Kirsten and Kelsey became pretty good friends, but little did they know, the house they lived in was not safe. It started off with little noises here and there. "Its an old house Kirsten, old houses make noises", said mama Williams one day while on the phone with her daughter.
That week another girl moved in to the house. Her name was Alina. Kirsten had alot of trouble with that name for some reason so they called her Ali. Ali worked. A lot. She was never home.
There were some times when Kelsey and Kirsten would wake up early in the mornings before school had even started and hear the shower running that was inbetween their bedrooms. Neither one was taking a shower.
One day, Kirsten was cooking noodles. It had been around two and a half weeks since moving in. As she filled the pot with water someone went PSSST! in to her ear. Kirsten could feel the breath on her ear. She screamed and almosted dropped the pot. She ran around the downstairs hoping to find Kelsey laughing at her. She found Kelsey asleep on the second floor. Ali had been at work.
Chapter 2
Things get wierder.
It is a week before school starts. All the girls have moved in to the house.There are seven girls that live in the Bytheway house now. Profile time. Kirsten, scardy cat, loud and obnoxious. Kelsey good student, social, can be a scardycat aswell. Haliegh adorible, lodgical, non believer of ghosts til she moved here. Ali workaholic, very sweet, never has had ghost experiance as far as i know. Bonnie sweet, very sensitive, hears a few things thinks it's Kirsten, Kelsey and Haleigh. Brinna leaves every weekend on computer all the time. Tawni doesnt like Kirsten, Haleigh or Kelsey..... stays in her room at all times. Thats 7.
Haleigh had quite a bit of a scare one night after school had started. We had all been hearing people come down or up the stairs but there would be no one there. There is a distinct sound when you go up and down the stairs. W e would actually see something move towards the living room. Kelsey had seen Shadows move across the living room window and the laundry room window. This laundry room window is a bit high off the ground for someone to walk by.... Now Haleighs scare. Haleigh had come down to do homework at three in the morning and had began to doze off on the couch. She began hearing noises. Little girl noises. Moans and muffled scream type sounds. She looked up and saw some one in the dining room, but just like that it was gone. She had woken up a second time to a wierd moaning gaging noise. She thought it could be herself so she tried making that noise but she couldnt. The other week Kelsey Kirsten and Haleigh were all sleeping in Kirstens room, relaxing listening to jazz music. It was a creepy night. There was an alarm somewhere going off. While trying to fall asleep some one knocked at the door. "Who is it?" No one answers. About 5mins. later someone tries to open the door. "What the heck do you want?" Still no answer. Then the dor begins to shake and trys to open again. By this time all the girls are screaming but there is no answer and no one fesses up to it. It was around 3AM. Nothing special besides a few noises and wierd stair stuff has happen since then. Until last night.
Chapter 3
Thanksgiving day
Tawni, Brinna, and Ali are all out of town. This makes up all the residents of the third floor. There is no one one on the third floor. Bonnie is in her room as always on the computer with headphones on. Haleigh, Kelsey and Kirsten are all down stairs. Kyle came to visit. It is around 1AM. Kirsten is in her room, Haleigh is in the bathroom next to Kirstens room, Bonnie is in her room on the computer. Kelsey comes up the stairs and looks around. Asks where Haleigh is and then proceeds to go down stairs. As Haleigh and Kirsten then go downstairs Kelsey askes if they have heard any slamming doors while we were up there. No, they had not. Soon after they all begin to hear the slamming doors. They are very loud and going off atleast two at a time and coming from the third floor. No one that lives on the third floor is home. We check on Bonnie while this is going on. She still has her headphones in and is in her room with the door shut. We asked her later today if she had heard anything. She had. She thought it was Haleigh, Kelsey and Kirsten messing around. These noises continued throughout the night. Upon going up the stairs to finally go to bed at around 3:30AM we found three things on the stairway had been thrown down from Tawnis room. Brinnas flip flop, Aquafina water bottle, and a random lint roller. Kelsey is the only person that owns a lint roller but that was not hers. What happens next? .......Investigation Please!
Chapter 1.
The first month.
"Don't you just live in the bitchin' neighborhood!" Daddy Williams said upon arrival to the Bytheway house. As the passenger in the car looked around she felt frightened and uneasy. They parked on the side of the house. She and her father got out of the car and looked at the house. It wasn't as big as she had expected. Built in 1911, red brick, a stupid plum tree in the front that just made a mess in the yard it looked ugly. There was a small wire fence around the yard and random sketchy people walking around everywhere in the neighborhood. It was getting hot so they proceeded to go to the front door and were invited in. Nothing was different, there was no air conditioning. As we began to unload the car we noticed there was another girl unpacking as well. Daddy Williams said "Go introduce yourself". "Hi, I'm Kirsten," Kirsten said. The girl looked up at Kirsten and said, "I'm Kelsey." And that was that, it was the biggining of a great friendship.
We'll speed this up a little. Mama davis, Kelseys mom and Daddy Williams, Kirstens dad, left the city about a week later. It was just Kelsey and Kirsten in the house alone for about another two weeks. Kirsten and Kelsey became pretty good friends, but little did they know, the house they lived in was not safe. It started off with little noises here and there. "Its an old house Kirsten, old houses make noises", said mama Williams one day while on the phone with her daughter.
That week another girl moved in to the house. Her name was Alina. Kirsten had alot of trouble with that name for some reason so they called her Ali. Ali worked. A lot. She was never home.
There were some times when Kelsey and Kirsten would wake up early in the mornings before school had even started and hear the shower running that was inbetween their bedrooms. Neither one was taking a shower.
One day, Kirsten was cooking noodles. It had been around two and a half weeks since moving in. As she filled the pot with water someone went PSSST! in to her ear. Kirsten could feel the breath on her ear. She screamed and almosted dropped the pot. She ran around the downstairs hoping to find Kelsey laughing at her. She found Kelsey asleep on the second floor. Ali had been at work.
Chapter 2
Things get wierder.
It is a week before school starts. All the girls have moved in to the house.There are seven girls that live in the Bytheway house now. Profile time. Kirsten, scardy cat, loud and obnoxious. Kelsey good student, social, can be a scardycat aswell. Haliegh adorible, lodgical, non believer of ghosts til she moved here. Ali workaholic, very sweet, never has had ghost experiance as far as i know. Bonnie sweet, very sensitive, hears a few things thinks it's Kirsten, Kelsey and Haleigh. Brinna leaves every weekend on computer all the time. Tawni doesnt like Kirsten, Haleigh or Kelsey..... stays in her room at all times. Thats 7.
Haleigh had quite a bit of a scare one night after school had started. We had all been hearing people come down or up the stairs but there would be no one there. There is a distinct sound when you go up and down the stairs. W e would actually see something move towards the living room. Kelsey had seen Shadows move across the living room window and the laundry room window. This laundry room window is a bit high off the ground for someone to walk by.... Now Haleighs scare. Haleigh had come down to do homework at three in the morning and had began to doze off on the couch. She began hearing noises. Little girl noises. Moans and muffled scream type sounds. She looked up and saw some one in the dining room, but just like that it was gone. She had woken up a second time to a wierd moaning gaging noise. She thought it could be herself so she tried making that noise but she couldnt. The other week Kelsey Kirsten and Haleigh were all sleeping in Kirstens room, relaxing listening to jazz music. It was a creepy night. There was an alarm somewhere going off. While trying to fall asleep some one knocked at the door. "Who is it?" No one answers. About 5mins. later someone tries to open the door. "What the heck do you want?" Still no answer. Then the dor begins to shake and trys to open again. By this time all the girls are screaming but there is no answer and no one fesses up to it. It was around 3AM. Nothing special besides a few noises and wierd stair stuff has happen since then. Until last night.
Chapter 3
Thanksgiving day
Tawni, Brinna, and Ali are all out of town. This makes up all the residents of the third floor. There is no one one on the third floor. Bonnie is in her room as always on the computer with headphones on. Haleigh, Kelsey and Kirsten are all down stairs. Kyle came to visit. It is around 1AM. Kirsten is in her room, Haleigh is in the bathroom next to Kirstens room, Bonnie is in her room on the computer. Kelsey comes up the stairs and looks around. Asks where Haleigh is and then proceeds to go down stairs. As Haleigh and Kirsten then go downstairs Kelsey askes if they have heard any slamming doors while we were up there. No, they had not. Soon after they all begin to hear the slamming doors. They are very loud and going off atleast two at a time and coming from the third floor. No one that lives on the third floor is home. We check on Bonnie while this is going on. She still has her headphones in and is in her room with the door shut. We asked her later today if she had heard anything. She had. She thought it was Haleigh, Kelsey and Kirsten messing around. These noises continued throughout the night. Upon going up the stairs to finally go to bed at around 3:30AM we found three things on the stairway had been thrown down from Tawnis room. Brinnas flip flop, Aquafina water bottle, and a random lint roller. Kelsey is the only person that owns a lint roller but that was not hers. What happens next? .......Investigation Please!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
"Most people are other people...."
We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves. ~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld
I think I will be using this post to tell you who I really am, inside and out. I'll start with the simple part. The outside. The place that for some reason people always look at and judge first. I am 5'6 I cannot be a model. I am not tall enough. I cannot be a disney princess. I am too tall. My hair is a fake color. Two fake colors. They are red and bleach blonde. I might dye it to a dark brown, which is my natural color. My hair is for the most part straight. But sometimes it decides to flip out like I am the star in a movie from the 70's. .....It's rather lovely.... I have blue eyes. Alot of people say they're pretty but i'll let you in on a little secret. We all want what we cant have and I wish I had brown or green eyes. Heck, solve both problems! Lets just say I want hazel eyes. I don't have my dads nose and I don't have my moms nose. I have a mix of both. I have freackles. On my face. Across my cheeks and nose. They are not the huge red ones everyones thinks of when i say freackles. My smile? Its a smile. Not movie star straight or movie star white. Not fake. I have laugh lines around my eyes because I love to laugh. And I wouldn't get rid of them. Even if you paid me. I've been told I have a nice voice. Just talking. And I just want to say that is one of the wierdest compliments I've ever recived. I also sing. But you'll never hear my real singing voice, Only a few people have and ever will. Special people. People very close to me. Or the random people I never met that were behind that curtain judging me. Enough about the physical. You've got plenty of that shiz. Now for the inside. I'm not super smart but I'm not dumb. I'm a terrible speller but I am dyslexic. I also have an auditory learning disorder. I have a disability in math on top of all this. Now you're probably thinking, Omg what can she even do!? Art. I love art. Its one of the only things I excell at. Not drawing, But photography. I love capturing moments that make you think. My goal is to make you see what I see or think what I am thinking. I think differently. Very much so. Alot of people don't understand my thoughts. I don't expect them too. In my mind no one could ever fully understand another, because you are not them! I am outspoken but shy at the same time. I am honest but in our society honesty has been labled rude. We second guess ourselves and think that if we tell that person the dress looks bad on them they will hate us, never talk to us again, so we lie and tell them it looks fantastic. When you really should just tell the truth. They wont hate you. I never tell a person something looks good when it doesn't. You don't have to say, good lord you look awful, burn it at once! no. Offer them something else, give suggestions, show them what bothers you. I ramble. If you haven't noticed all ready. I'm very sarcastic. I would hope you've picked up on that.
I was raised Mormon. I go to a mormon school. No not BYU. Gross. I suppose I should share my beliefs. But they aren't too exciting. I know there has to be some thing higher than us. We aren't here by accident. I am not too sure on a few mormon beliefs. In all honesty I'm still trying to figure out things. I do feel good when they say families are forever. I like the idea of that. But the stuff about you should only date mormons if you are mormon, it really bugs me. Its not just because mormon boys don't like me. ha! just kidding, but seriously. I have never gone out with a mormon boy. I've been on one date with one but i don't think that counts. Speaking of dates I think that leads to love right? My view on love is a bit different. I have never felt that Hollywood love. I don't think it's like Hollywood portrays it any way. Thats what everyone is aming for and wants. Maybe thats why we have so many divorces in this world. I keep telling people I don't believe in love. One of my friends once told me, (upon hearing my view on love), Love is out there. It is the best yet worst thing you'll ever experience. I thought this was a nice way of thinking of it. But now I realize what love is to me. Love is a beautiful day, a real smile, a true laugh, someone saying have a good day, Love is caring for someone. When I say I love you that means I care about you. Love is not sex. This world has made sex out to be love. Sex is something that happens when you are in love with your significant other. And news flash, you aren't going to find that person in highschool. Why not save that? I don't understand people who just throw that around like its nothing. Good example, remember in the movie Taken when Amanda gets into the house and says, "I'm going to sleep with him........You might as well loose it in Paris...." Yes that wasn't the whole convo but that was the main thing i was getting at. I really liked that they put that in the movie though. Look what happened to her. Obviously its not that extreem all the time but honestly shouldn't that be something for real love? Look at how some people treat that or talk about it. We are teaching little children that its a bad thing when its not! Its just not ment to be abused like it is. Okay, enough about that. What else.... Oh random but I hate needles. I cry when I need to get a shot but I want piercings. Nose, lip, belly button, and hips. But this my dear friends is infact frowned upon in the mormon reliegion that is my whole family. They already aren't a fan of who I am. Those piercings would just throw them off the deep end. They might even disown me. Sad isn't it? I cuss. I have a potty mouth at times. I do think about what I'm saying but sometimes things come out. I listen to music that sceams when I cannot scream myself. I hate sharing feelings. I always feel that I would end up crying and I see that as being weak. My dad would always make me laugh when I would cry. My dad is not here with me. I can't share feelings. But I can listen and put in my input. Thats all I can offer right now. I know that can frustrate people. But they don't understand. Everyone does things differently, we all need to respect that. I think we are all in control of ourselves and no one can make you upset without your permisson. I am not a huge fan of our government. I feel that if they made an "oopsie" they would never tell us. And keep it hidden as long as possible and then blame it on something else. There is no perfect. There is no normal. How ever, there is a right and wrong, you have to find that one out on your own. A hug can change a persons day. A smile can save a life. Your time can change everything. You can do whatever you want when you put your mind to it. Prostitution should never be leagal. Porn is a discusting excuse for anything. Dare I get into the controversial topic of abortion? Fess up to your "mistake" don't kill it unless in cases of rape, incest, or huge medical issues where the mother or the baby will die. You don't have to keep it, give it a real family put it up for adoption. As for adoption for me I think I would rather give a child a second chance at life rather then bringing my own kids into the world. Plus the thought of being prego makes me wanna barf. Didn't I mention I think differently? I want to travel the world and learn about other cultures. I want to live life at the fullest! I don't want to pretend to be some ones I'm not. I am me. I am myself. I think my way. I will never fully understand what someones going through because I am Not them! I am the fear of growing old without ever really being young. Break free be yourself. Find yourself.
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~Oscar Wilde, De Profundis, 1905
When you find who you are and embrace it you will be happier than you have ever been. You will know where to go and what to do. :) Smile like you mean it. By the way I felt a little emo doing this but I learned a few things. Try it.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
My Forever He Is We
It is snowing. A lot, too much. I hate snow. We are currently under a blizzad warning for the next two days. Stupid. I dont like this weather, es no bueno. I would add a picture but its too dark for every camera I have. So maybe I can get one tomorrow but it's ugly anyway. The snow. Can I just say I hate it when people mindlessly stand with the front door open. Ugh! its cold! Its like the concept of keeping the fridge door closed. gosh. I am listening to how to dress well i love them but as i look at the candle flame i am getting easily distracted. That is beautiful. fire is pretty. Snow is the opposite. my friend Josh came over today. He and i work at the same place. It was pretty fun! I had to make a chocolate strawberry torte so i did that and we chated about music and what not. jjjffjffjfjjdjfdksla;sldkfjdkljfkdls;adlkfjkdlsa;alskfjlkfjlkjflkjfdskjfoeijuw;eioijr;wih nv;hgoitwj juhfn hujnaguhWJBNWP GYUHWRJBjgrng;ur hrognurf ......that was me typing like everyone else can. without ;looking and in the right possition. what was the point of that? to show you i cant type properly. Well i do have some good news out of this. One of my favorite bands He Is We came out with thier first full length album. It's call My Forever. Oh my, its beautiful. Please go buy it support them! This album is way worth it! :) Well thats about it i guess. Kinda a lame one but its whatever. I just want to sleep forever right now. oh check out Ghostland observitory as well. So homework, listen to He Is We, how to dress well, and Ghostland observitory. You wont be disapointed. That is if you have an open mind about different music.
Smile Like You Mean It!
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How To Dress Well |
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He Is We |
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Ghostland Observatory Paparazzi Lightning |
Taylor! *language warning.*
That's my brother. I talked to him for quite sometime tonight. I miss that guy. He told me to name this blog after him so there it is! Hope you enjoy this one Taylor. Well, tonight is pretty lame. It is mine and Kelseys 3rd month friendaversery. So we came home from IT and she goes well Kyle just cancelled on our date so what should we do tonight? So we made plans to draw up our dream lives and have hot coco and just relax. After Kelsey was part way though her dream life there is a knock on the door. Who could it be? I bet every single one of you guessed it. Oh look its Kyle. Now let me give you a little backround on this boy. When it was just Kelsey and me living here we went to church one day and there was this greeter named Kyle. I thought he was cute so we got to know him. Well found out he likes Kelsey, pretty much story of utah right there. Well Kelsey and him start going out and become BF GF. I dont remember how long it was but it wasnt very long til they broke up. Something about confrence weekend and how it remeinded him of another girl so he couldnt take it. .....yeah. But that night Ali and Kelsey stayed up and wrote things like "grow a pair" you know what I'll add the picture.....
There we go. Thats what they said. Anyway, Kyle wanted to get back with Kelsey after awhile so he desided to text her, non stop. For what seemed like forever! (already i feel i am going to get hell for this blog and i am going to be the bad person but in reality this is how i feel and i feel i need to get this down because i dont share my feelings. this is like sharing my feelings but more like telling a story.) Well he was being really desperate, he even texted me at one point and told me to tell Kelsey to text him.... If that doesnt scream desperate i dont know what does. We all thought she was done with Kyle for good because seriously, after what seemed like a month or more of that, I miss you, im sorry, come back, remember when...., blahblahblah, who would want him back? Well yeah that date thing came outta no where and then he cancelled so when he showed up at the door and Kelsey paid more attention to him you can imagin how i felt. i dont mean for this to be a pity party i hate those. Simply my feelings being written down to relieve stress. So i was upset and Kelsey goes Well, Kyle was actually invited yeah. I replied no i was 3 months ago when we first met. Rude.... so yes i ignored Kyle and put him down. Because i hide my feelings. There for i am just "rude" back. i thought we were all against kyle? saying no dont get back together with him kels he is a desperate phsyco? guess i missed the memo that we should think its okay for her to take him back.... Oh Wait! There wasnt one! So then Haleigh came home, by then i was talking to my brother because i was 3rd wheel. My fave. I had also talked with my friend julz! I heart her! :) mucho! Well Haleigh goes oh! Andrews been wanting to come over and invited. while she was doing that i told her my situation. She goes oh wait! we'll have a girls night with Kirsten too! andrew came over. and in all honesty, ive never really been buddies with andrew, he annoys me. So he came into my room with Haleigh and i say, i dont care that youre in here but stay off my bed. So he says okay im gonna sit right here and sits on my bed. I think i need anger managment because i wanted to bang his head against the metal bed frame and kick him off. then everytime i asked him to get off the bed he would say what? what was that? huh? Omg, i am pissed just thinking about it, for real. Well eventually i am bumped up from 3rd wheel to 5th wheel. Oh promotions arent always sweet. I sat in my room for awhile, alone. Because for some odd reason id rather be alone than a 5th wheel. isnt that funny? i bet people think thats just a knee slapper! ha! Ali came home while the party of four went to go rent a movie and get fat food.... fast food. Oh ali! i love her! we had a party of two in my room and we painted. this picture.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Sheer Terror.
I would like to update you on the bad things that go on here. This area I live in is not safe. I don't care who tells me it is, I do NOT consider this place safe by any means. First, let's start with the house its self. There are gaping holes in its sandstone foundation. And I'm not talking little holes, I am saying you can fit bodies in there and still have room for pounds of drugs. Or if you prefer, like ten more bodies. There are what we call crawl spaces everywhere in this house. These crawl spaces are either tiny or they could be two or three extra rooms where hobos could live comfterbly. There are also little kid drawings everywhere in these areas. as if some one locked there kids in it. all i can think of is the sixth sense. And now to the basement. Our basement could be in a horror movie. it would be perfect. This house was built in 1911. It is old. There are places where we want to put weather stripping because there are leaks. No. We are not allowed to do this. I dont know why. So we get to freeze this winter. My favorite. There is a very lovely bullet hole in the window that was fixed with two pieces of scotch tape. Crafty money saver. I should also add we are possitive this house is haunted by a little girl. On to the neighborhood. Everyone knows what a downtown area looks like. I would say the perfect description of this place is 11th street in Tulsa Oklahoma. Pretty much borderline North Tulsa, where if you are like me, you never want to be caught there. Ever. Made that mistake once. Never again. Well let me give you examples too. The other day there was a hostage situation right down the street from me. A man tied up his wife and little girl, wife got away, got the police, two doezen cops blocked off the area. I think everyone is safe. Last week i woke up to a gun shot. Thats always fun to hear. there are always druggies and hobos everywhere. some of them even stop to smoke on our yard. People explore our yard all the time, open the gate and everything. Creepy. Last night at around three there was an alarm going off that was sayng something along the lines of Inruder alert.....alarm....... we couldnt make out the rest. Haleigh, Kelsey and I all slept in the same room and locked all the doors around us as well as barricaded them. I hate this place in all honesty I was about to cry. I was very scared. I have never in my life lived in a neighborhood or house like this. I dont like this situation at all. I even told my dad about this and what did he say. nothing really. He didnt care. i am upset today. I'm going back to sleep. HATE this place.
Friday, November 19, 2010
What have we learned today?
Good news. I have finally enrolled for next semester. I am so excited because I got all the classes I wanted! Including photography and pshycology. Can i just say that I have no morning classes as well? Oh, I am smart. :) After the excitement of enrolling I came home to find Ali still sick. So off to urgent care we go. Again. I have never been to the doctor so many times within three months. Yes, I have only been in Salt Lake three months. As we are on our way to the doctor Ali had to grab something to eat. We stop at the most common and arguable fast food chain in America. Actually, in the word. Yep none other than McDonalds. Ali has no voice so she askes me to order for her. I yell, "Can I get a small chicken nuggets and a free water?" He answers "Yes, do you want any sause with that?" I yell, "NO!" ......a full ten seconds pass. for drive thru window time thats a long freaking time! I thought he didn't hear me. Jokingly I sing out "Noooooo!" (Add some vibrato in there) Imidiatly after I dropped the beautiful melody of saying no he says "Oh okay please pull up to the next window." Lesson #1: People in drive thru windows listen to you more when you sing. Now after the that fiasco! The doctor gave Ali a clean bill of health, besides that she has a cold. ha! Then we stopped at Walgreens to pick up meds. While there I had this brillant idea that came to me as a simple word. Water. Off I went searching for my love, water. Namely, Aquafina. I found a pack of 24. It was the most beautiful sight I have seen in a very long time. They came home with me and now 1000mL of water is happily in my tummy. I have needed water for sometime now so this was truely a miracle. Lesson #2: I, Kirsten, cannot go long without water. After I had been reunited with my love water, it was time for work. Today at work I got to be in the mens section. And a other part that was for girls. But anyway, in the middle of my shift a guy i work with, Jeff, came up to me with a girl and asked for help finding loose fitting clothes. She continues on to tell me why she needs these. Girl: "Yeah, i need some loose fitting shirts, any style. I am pregnant......" at this point she was trying to finish her story and i go "Oh! Congradulations!" She stops a moment and says, "Thanks, I'm trying to hide it." Lesson #3: Let people finish their story first before you reply. Lesson #4: There are actually two appropriot answers to "I'm pregnant." one: Congradulations! Two: I know everything will work out for you, it'll be okay. In my situation I should have listened to the whole story and gone with answer number two. I did see her later and wished her luck with everything and that i was sure that it would all work out. She was very nice but you could tell she was a little scared. I really hope everything works out for her, it will deffinitly be tough though. My heart goes out to her. She was for sure college age probably around 20ish. After work I went home and watched Dream Girls. I love that movie. All you haters just back off! Just kidding, I really hate it when people say this. It is quite annoying. I apologize. I would likr to add here that black people have amazing voices of which i am jealous of. Oh yeah, Kyle came over. He would not shut up while I was watching the movie, that makes me angry. When I watch a movie, I personally like to hear what they are saying. I have no idea what your prefrence is. But that is mine. I suppose I should share with you what a big scardy cat I am. All of a sudden there was a terrifing scream from none other than Kelsey. Like horror film scary. I jump up on the couch and scream too cause I have no idea what is going on. Kelsey then proceeds to tell me there is a giant centapide in our living room. Eventually I find and kill it but there were a few more screams and freaking out. What a incedent this was. Oh my. It was. Well randomly, Haleigh is at the premire of the harry potter movie. That Kelsey and I couldn't care less about. Seriously. We don't see the big deal. Oh! I want to say, Can we go back to the simple times when we just finger painted and drank juice? Those were fun days. I miss them. I'm going to bed. Smile like you mean it and remember these important lessons.
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oh the simple days. |
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This was the best! |
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
"Who said nights were for sleep?" ~Marilyn Monroe
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
— Marilyn Monroe
A few of you may know that I love Marilyn Monroe. I think she was just Gorgeous! I love to watch her movies. They are so cute! There are a few quotes by her that I really like. Take the one above for example. I am all those things and I do all those things, but I compleatly agree with her, if you can't take me at my worst, why be around me at all? You wouldn't deserve the good. Today and parts of last night I haven't been at my best. Alot of people don't notice because I hate letting my feelings show. I try my best to hide them, to hide that I care. You may think I'm over something but in reality I am still holding that little grudge. All of a sudden I have trailed off from the Marilyn quote. But I guess what I'm trying to say is you have to deal with not just the good, but the bad as well.
"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left."
— Marilyn Monroe
Well, yeah. I full heartedly believe this one. I follow it. Kinda sad sometimes, but it's the truth.
— Marilyn Monroe
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She's so pretty. :) |
"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left."
— Marilyn Monroe
Well, yeah. I full heartedly believe this one. I follow it. Kinda sad sometimes, but it's the truth.
"We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets."
— Marilyn Monroe
— Marilyn Monroe
Seriously, who wouldn't follow that? It's just like in the book Go Ask Alice, "I have this very silly fear, dear friend, that one day I will grow old without ever really being young." Now that you know one of my biggest fears. ha. I really hope i can live my life with no regrets, although, i know i have some already. I need to take more risks and do what I want to. Not be doing what other people see that i should be doing. I will leave with this last quote.
"If you're gonna be two-faced at least make one of them pretty."
— Marilyn Monroe
— Marilyn Monroe
I would also like to add real quick that i am tired of all this drama. This isn't the midhigh years people it's called college. I can't believe how much drama there is. I thought going to this school would solve all that but i guess not. Drama goes everywhere and i am literally sick from that and stress. i kinda wish i could skip forward and have a degree already. well, goodnight all.
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I wish i had her smile! |
Sunday, November 14, 2010
News flash!
Third blog in one day, sounds lame right well just listen, read this, I legit almost died tonight! Kelsey, Haleigh and i had a work meeting, manditory no skipping. Anyway we have to walk everywhere because for some reason its safer? oh no wait cheaper. i can understand wanted to save a few bucks but is it really worth my life? im sorry but salt lake drivers sucks balls in a bad way! litteraly, im possitive my brother who has never drivin a car in his life could drive better than the majority of these idiots. and i though tulsa was bad! okay quick lesson salt lake lets go over what the colors mean on a stop light. Green, means go UNLESS you are in a left turn, when you are in the left turn lane you may go only when there are no cars or padestrians!!!! in this left turn case green means Yield. on to the next color, yellow. Yellow means Yeild, slow down. Not speed up! you are only to go though a yellow light when you CanNot stop or are in the middle of the intersection. Now on for the red light. you idiot drivers in Salt Lake seem to think this is an optional light. Well news for you Salt Lake, IT MOST CERTIANLY IS NOT!!!!!! red means STOP. at all times. there are no exceptions. even when right on red is exceptable you still stop first!!!!! do you all need to go back to preschool to learn your colors? seriously there is no reason this should have happened. quick lesson over, i hope somebody learned something and if you knew that and you follow these rules that are EVERYWHERE in the US good for you you get a gold star and no human blood on your windshield. Back to the story Kelsey, Haligh and i are walk to this meeting right? we have established this. we get to the cross walk for pedesrians like ourselves and press the button. we wait a few moments and the light turns yellow, please refer to the short lesson as to what yellow lights mean, as it is turning red this stupid lady speeds up to 50mph no exaguration there, so the light turns red and we begin to cross we had not seen the idiot. as we are a fourth of the way across when i see the car in my perefrial vision. Kelsey is right in the direct path to get hit by the exact middle of the stupid car driving by and idiot. so i think kelsey is about to go flying and then lay in a pool of blood in the rode, in front of me. I yelled out KELSEY!!!!! i feel i am about to cry because my friend is about to die she seriously dodged the idiot car just a forth of a second. the car was one foot away from her and two feet away from me. the stupid lady didnt even attemt to stop until she was over the line and simi skidded to an almost stop. in otherwords she didnt care and even if she had hit us it would have been written up as a hit and run. i am absolutly possitive that she would not have stopped. at all. conclusion so i dont get too upset over this i have learned that i really need to live alittle bit more and instead of just thinking of doing things i need to actually do them. Smile like you mean it.
You may think because i put the word snow in all caps that i am excited. NO! i am far from excited. i dont like snow. in fact i hate it. acording to the weather channel desk top app thing it is supposed to snow for pretty much too long. well now and for the rest of the night. maybe longer hang on let me check. oh just for the next three days. gag me. That is all about snow.
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This kid agrees with me look at his face, its sheer terror. stupid snow. |
I have Wierd roomies.
But I love them dearly. So I was working last night 6:30-10:30. I didnt get home til 11:30ish. maybe later. I cant remember. (i am a bit hungry so im gonna grab food.) ....all i had was a can of peas. i like peas but come on thats all i have? I would also like to point out that i like to abuse the free stuff on itunes. i have spanish songs now... why? because they were freaking free! dont judge, you know you do it too. back to last night at work. at f21 you are not allowed to take pictures. atleast youre not supposed to. so i see this flash over and over again. I try to see where its coming from but i cant. all of a sudden i see the flash again and the camera, it was a nikon, nice choice, then i see the person holding it. She was a midget. no im not saying that to be funny she was literaly 2ft some odd inches tall. What was she taking pics of? Well normal sized people of course! what kind of question is that? All in all i guess i just wanna say i didnt have the heart to tell her mam, you cant take pictures in here. I dont think any one else did either because the flashes continued around the store. over all it was a good night, busy but good. They actually started me off in the Frosty Frocks section upstairs so i cleaned up that hot mess and then after i organize everything they come tell me oops youre in the wrong place youre still in for love the acssesories. You who got frosty frocks are so very lucky! haha well i finally got down to for love and it was a pretty good night. nothing out of the ordinary of being in retail. although i think i saw some people steal stuff, im not sure on that though.... they werent the nicest though any way. i was happy when they left. well after a few hours it was time to go home so i bunddled back up in red sweatpants, blue jacket (ftsk), a bright neon orange beanie and a houndstooth trench coat over all of it. pretty much, i looked great. i got alot of stares. :) i know why people, im not that dumb. so on my way home i was talking to my friend Tanner Tinkham. Love that kid! I miss him! We were talking about tech and some girl having the same name as me and him getting confused. he left me a very nice voicemail while i was at work. made me laugh alot. There is a girl that goes to tcc in health science, but someone thought that it was the girl who went with him to tech (me) yeah. kinda confusing but i called him on my way home to see what all the hubbub was. Silly Tanner. the random girl obviously wasnt me cause im in utah as tanner stated. but still who cares about that random girl! ha! just kidding im sure she is very loved. But i cant really remember what we talked about.... alot of random things cause thats all we ever do! yay for randomness! Speaking of Tanner just texted me. Oh tanner. haha and thats all i have to say about that. Well i walked in the door of my house and i see Haleigh and Kelsey. in my bright colored leggings and my swimsuits and just random clothes that were mine. It was the wierdest outfits you have ever seen. seriously though. so they also made cookies!!!! yes! i love cookies! So im going to change the color of the text, but by now you have already noticed that. well kels and haleigh and i have decided that the btdub house would make a great reality tv show. wheres the crew? for now before i had gotten home they took haleighs digital camera and made a few vids. oh we are such a wierd bunch. i want cookies and i have a meeting at work to go to. so i shall write soonish. maybe. whatever. Smile Like You Mean It. Random picture time! :)
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its a bubble popping! cool! |
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Short Blog about my DREAM.
I want to say again this was a DREAM.
So in my dream I was prego. It was going to be a boy and I was sitting with my mom and some random guy that i didnt recognize, he was off to the side where i couldnt see him. Since i am a good girl I am assuming that he could have been my "hubby"? not sure didnt see him too much so he is now irrelavent. Yes i have decided. irrelevent. Any way my mother was there and i was suggesting names for the little tot. So was she. I dont remember who said this name but we came up with Brandon. In reality i am fine with that name, though not my fave i have never really thought of baby names before. Back to the Dream. My mom started to think of middle names and i flipped and was like "No! I have already decided the middle name! It will be Lion. So that i can call him my little lion man!" .......I am not sure how to explain this, but please keep in mind that little lion man is a song by Mumford and sons. I also would like to say that at that point in my dream my sons name would have been Brandon Lion. My mother was against this in the dream at first and then she warmed up to it. Mother, if you let me name my child after an animal in real life i dont know what i'll do,, that poor child. i would hate to go though my life with the name of Lion. Oh well at least it was just a dream.
(But I do know that i love Haleigh so very much and I want her to be rich.) ~haleigh.
So in my dream I was prego. It was going to be a boy and I was sitting with my mom and some random guy that i didnt recognize, he was off to the side where i couldnt see him. Since i am a good girl I am assuming that he could have been my "hubby"? not sure didnt see him too much so he is now irrelavent. Yes i have decided. irrelevent. Any way my mother was there and i was suggesting names for the little tot. So was she. I dont remember who said this name but we came up with Brandon. In reality i am fine with that name, though not my fave i have never really thought of baby names before. Back to the Dream. My mom started to think of middle names and i flipped and was like "No! I have already decided the middle name! It will be Lion. So that i can call him my little lion man!" .......I am not sure how to explain this, but please keep in mind that little lion man is a song by Mumford and sons. I also would like to say that at that point in my dream my sons name would have been Brandon Lion. My mother was against this in the dream at first and then she warmed up to it. Mother, if you let me name my child after an animal in real life i dont know what i'll do,, that poor child. i would hate to go though my life with the name of Lion. Oh well at least it was just a dream.
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Brandon Lion? hahaha! |
Monster lady gaga & Caribou lou Tech N9ne.
I am going to start naming my blogs the songs that i am listening to.... yeah im cool. I suppose i sould talk about my first days at work. So far they are going quite swimmingly. Actually they are quite interesting. I work at Forever21 in the "For Love" section, the asscesories and what not. This is a little area that I am to walk constently in a figue 8 and never leave the room. But i did meet a transexual today. she? was very nice but still had a very deep voice! There was also this little boy that had to be no older then 8 and desided he desperately NEEDED this black clutch purse. He literaly begged and asked his mom twice. To which she replied, "Boys don't carry or need purses put that up right now!" That little boy looked so sad. Oh mommy, don't be so quick to judge him, your little boy will have to hold his girlfriends purse, his wifes, and the diaper bag! hahaha! Yes, boys DO need to carry purses sometimes. Any way, I spent around an hour organizing all the purses by color and made pretty patterns with them. Basically i made it so pretty you might have thought it was too pretty to touch. Well about 10 seconds later a group of mid high girls came in and riped all my hard work to shreads.... I wanted to cry. It really hurt for me to see some of the newly organized purses end up on the floor or in the headband bin..... over all I promise you I like my work so far. There are very nice people that work there and they have enjoyable music... most of the time. haha. no but really it's a nice job! Lets see, what else is going on in my life? Oh! a whole bunch of Drama! that we wont get into at all cause its not even worth it. Can i just take this time right now to say i really wish i had some freash fruit right now? I miss that so much its crazy! I have gotten complimented on my voice like three times since i've been here and i stll have to say that it creeps me out every time. Utah is very dry and in return my skin is dry. I do not enjoy this. I burnt myself with the straightner a few weeks ago, i have come to the conclusion that this scar shall be with me for the rest of my years til i die. Thanks for laughing. I took a shower this morning. Youre props thinking what the heck Kirsten, people take showers every day, whats the big deal? The big deal is my shower thinks its halariousl and likes to see me freak out and try to dodge the water in a 2x2ft sq. (almost 2ft) while changing from freezing cold to Boiling hot in less than two seconds. i'm sure if i could see myself i would fing it quite funny as well. Oh my shower is a jokester. Dang that shower and its bipolar water temperature. the good news is it make a wierd noise at all times so when that noise has the slightest change in pitch you better move cause its changing the temp! most the time i make it out of the way but sometimes i dont. enough of that. I just want to say that our shower was compleatly clogged for sometime. Our landlord came over and fixed it today. Guess what was in it. (insert your whitty comments here) Nope! all wrong! It was actually a bunch of screws and nails. yeah like the stuff you hang up pictures to the wall with or keep a remote together, there were alot in that poor drain. And you thought it was something as simple and predictable as a hairball.... gross. i am kind of relieved it wasnt that. I would just like to announce that i am out of food. Sadness. Kelsey and Ali are pretty much gone for the weekend so it is just I and haleigh being bored down stairs right at the moment. doing what girls do when theyre bored. listen to lady gaga of course. Well, i think this is the most of my life right now. except someone used my jack-o-lantern as a trash can. :( RUDE! RUDE! RUDE! dad thought it was quite funny. I have to sign up for classes soon. *sigh. I will take pshycology again, and an art class. The rest? I have no idea. Smile like you mean it everyone! Good night! .....I still want a mango, or any freash fruit.
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Isn't this beautiful!? Look at the color! |
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Confession #6. i am gaining weight.
Yes its true. i have gained close to 10lbs here. but not yet 10 i swear! this is really stange for me because i have to walk everywhere here. and im always up doing something. Yet in highschool i went to school, came home, ate, took a nap, ate dinner, then went to bed. i lost weight in highschool. is this not the wierdest thing ever? geez.... on the plus side i actually have a little booty now! yeah for a little figure! ....little. hahaha! Enough about my beastly size! (exaguartion) well today was pretty eh. literaly. except that there is a bunch of high school drama going on. I HATE drama. i try to stay out of it. (haleigh says i look like a BZ) rude. jk. its true. i am. any way back to the drama. there has been two breakups in this house. boys dont know what they want. ever. well there is a person thats in the middle of the drama. That person is anoying me and is squirming their way back into our lives. just like on the Kardashians i dont approve. i dont like it. randomly i love my sterio. bang and olefson yay! it beautiful and the bass is fantastic on it. :) oh! i talked to julz today! i love her! ;Therefore, ooh julz! hahaha! i had a poke fest with a few friends today! POKE!!!! oh geez i forgot to mention that kelsey and i had our 2 1/2 month best friendaversary! so we went on a night out downtown! can i just say i love the downtown lights at night! so pretty! well we got all dressed up and went to olive garden :) yeah. were too cute. I want to show you guys a few pictures i took at the heiswe show! please give them a listen you wont regret it. their new album is out on the 23rd! buy it! well Night all! :)
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Rachel Taylor He is we. :) |
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Little Lion Man.
I am not ready for college. By any means. For example i am supposed to be doing a compare contrast essay right now... but I am so good at finding so many excusesssssss...... well i just got off with my brother taylor and he made my dog maggie make wierd noises. i love that dog. i so miss her. any way i am kinda behind in my classes, lame. i have been sick for a while now. hoorah for being sick, not. I have a plan though. i really want to drop school next semester and make my job full time or i could stay part time and get an internship at a photography place. Which i really really want to do! i hope i can convince my parents of that. i've never been good with schooling anyway. I just cant consintrate at all i dont know whats wrong with me! its the worst! i can even sit there and stare right at the person talking but not hear a thing! there is something wrong with me.... randomly my brother and i make up these wierd stories about my dog that is planning to kill us. it is quite funny! so i have to confess i have been doing those confessions. i shall share a few.
Confession #1. I hate sponges. They really gross me out, I can't bring myself to use one when washing dishes or anything else. They're just so.... Dirty!
Confession #2 I am not as uncaring as most people think. Sometimes i really dont care, but most the time Im just good at hiding stuff like that.
Confession #3, I hate not having the car. "Taylor needs it more" is total bull. Well i better get dressed so I can walk in the rain and sleet to school. Did I mention it's cold? I HATE not having the car. I need it more.
Confession #4 I am not ready for college. I have met new friends and had great experiences here but I should have stayed in Oklahoma. Why are parents always right?
well i hope you enjoyed this. i should be getting to my essay. stupid distractions. go listen to little lion man :) love it! Smile like you mean it!
"Weep for yourself, my man, you'll never be what is in your heart. Weep little lion man, you're not as brave as you were at the start. Rate yourself and rake yourself, take all the courage you have left, wasted on fixing all the problems that you made in your own head. But it was not your fault but mine and it was your heart on the line, I really f***ed it up this time didn't I, my dear? Didn't I, my..."
Confession #1. I hate sponges. They really gross me out, I can't bring myself to use one when washing dishes or anything else. They're just so.... Dirty!
Confession #2 I am not as uncaring as most people think. Sometimes i really dont care, but most the time Im just good at hiding stuff like that.
Confession #3, I hate not having the car. "Taylor needs it more" is total bull. Well i better get dressed so I can walk in the rain and sleet to school. Did I mention it's cold? I HATE not having the car. I need it more.
Confession #4 I am not ready for college. I have met new friends and had great experiences here but I should have stayed in Oklahoma. Why are parents always right?
well i hope you enjoyed this. i should be getting to my essay. stupid distractions. go listen to little lion man :) love it! Smile like you mean it!
"Weep for yourself, my man, you'll never be what is in your heart. Weep little lion man, you're not as brave as you were at the start. Rate yourself and rake yourself, take all the courage you have left, wasted on fixing all the problems that you made in your own head. But it was not your fault but mine and it was your heart on the line, I really f***ed it up this time didn't I, my dear? Didn't I, my..."
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Freelance Photographer anyone?
Where to start? I haven't written a blog in awhile. How bout here, I rode the trax all the way to the last stop! I am on my way to concuring my fear of the trax! Terrible yet wonderful thing trax is. I felt a bit intimidated seeing as there were kids that were 9 years old that have to ride trax everyday to get to school and then home. I also want to add that 3300 south area is quite sketchy. And there are racal terms painted everywhere. Thats not very nice. Good news is we found the Avalon. Bad news it's so scary looking on the outside. but with the bands that play there it has to be a nice venue on the inside. Can't judge a book by its cover I guess. We will see what happens if i ever go to a show there. Speaking of shows, He Is We was last night at the beautiful Club Sound! Club Slound is a smaller venue but I 'm really liking it. Can I just say that Rachel Taylor is so adorible!? She is the singer for He Is We. She sounds exactly the same live as she does recorded, they did fantastic. :) So did the Rocket Summer! I took some pretty good pictures at the show and I really want to get into the buissness of photography. So I have come up with plan. I want to be a photographer for bands at their concerts. For right now I think I should get to know the local bands and offer to take the pictures at thier show. Then hopefully somehow i can move up and do bigger bands. But that is seriously my dream. :)
So.... Freelance photographer any one?
So.... Freelance photographer any one?
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