Good news. I have finally enrolled for next semester. I am so excited because I got all the classes I wanted! Including photography and pshycology. Can i just say that I have no morning classes as well? Oh, I am smart. :) After the excitement of enrolling I came home to find Ali still sick. So off to urgent care we go. Again. I have never been to the doctor so many times within three months. Yes, I have only been in Salt Lake three months. As we are on our way to the doctor Ali had to grab something to eat. We stop at the most common and arguable fast food chain in America. Actually, in the word. Yep none other than McDonalds. Ali has no voice so she askes me to order for her. I yell, "Can I get a small chicken nuggets and a free water?" He answers "Yes, do you want any sause with that?" I yell, "NO!" ......a full ten seconds pass. for drive thru window time thats a long freaking time! I thought he didn't hear me. Jokingly I sing out "Noooooo!" (Add some vibrato in there) Imidiatly after I dropped the beautiful melody of saying no he says "Oh okay please pull up to the next window." Lesson #1: People in drive thru windows listen to you more when you sing. Now after the that fiasco! The doctor gave Ali a clean bill of health, besides that she has a cold. ha! Then we stopped at Walgreens to pick up meds. While there I had this brillant idea that came to me as a simple word. Water. Off I went searching for my love, water. Namely, Aquafina. I found a pack of 24. It was the most beautiful sight I have seen in a very long time. They came home with me and now 1000mL of water is happily in my tummy. I have needed water for sometime now so this was truely a miracle. Lesson #2: I, Kirsten, cannot go long without water. After I had been reunited with my love water, it was time for work. Today at work I got to be in the mens section. And a other part that was for girls. But anyway, in the middle of my shift a guy i work with, Jeff, came up to me with a girl and asked for help finding loose fitting clothes. She continues on to tell me why she needs these. Girl: "Yeah, i need some loose fitting shirts, any style. I am pregnant......" at this point she was trying to finish her story and i go "Oh! Congradulations!" She stops a moment and says, "Thanks, I'm trying to hide it." Lesson #3: Let people finish their story first before you reply. Lesson #4: There are actually two appropriot answers to "I'm pregnant." one: Congradulations! Two: I know everything will work out for you, it'll be okay. In my situation I should have listened to the whole story and gone with answer number two. I did see her later and wished her luck with everything and that i was sure that it would all work out. She was very nice but you could tell she was a little scared. I really hope everything works out for her, it will deffinitly be tough though. My heart goes out to her. She was for sure college age probably around 20ish. After work I went home and watched Dream Girls. I love that movie. All you haters just back off! Just kidding, I really hate it when people say this. It is quite annoying. I apologize. I would likr to add here that black people have amazing voices of which i am jealous of. Oh yeah, Kyle came over. He would not shut up while I was watching the movie, that makes me angry. When I watch a movie, I personally like to hear what they are saying. I have no idea what your prefrence is. But that is mine. I suppose I should share with you what a big scardy cat I am. All of a sudden there was a terrifing scream from none other than Kelsey. Like horror film scary. I jump up on the couch and scream too cause I have no idea what is going on. Kelsey then proceeds to tell me there is a giant centapide in our living room. Eventually I find and kill it but there were a few more screams and freaking out. What a incedent this was. Oh my. It was. Well randomly, Haleigh is at the premire of the harry potter movie. That Kelsey and I couldn't care less about. Seriously. We don't see the big deal. Oh! I want to say, Can we go back to the simple times when we just finger painted and drank juice? Those were fun days. I miss them. I'm going to bed. Smile like you mean it and remember these important lessons.
oh the simple days. |
This was the best! |
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