Alright. So the other night I get a call from my bestie Amanda. Her car had broken down on the cursed Hwy 20. I personally have always hated that road. Any way I go down there to help Amanda, we get in my car and go to the QT down the street and put gas in a little gas can., go back to her car and put in the gas. Her car starts up! Yay! So I go back to my car and it wont start..... It killed itself. The battery could take no more. Amanda looks in her car for jumper cables, cause they are always in there! Well tonight at two in the morning they aren't. So we had to go to her house in her car to get the jumper cables. While on our way to get back to my car the song walking on sunshine comes on. The original, good version. This one Walking on Sunshine . Now doesn't that sound like the world is taking a crap on us and making fun of us? ......yeah we sang along anyway! Cause it's one of the best songs ever! Take that world! Well we got back to my car and jumped it. After three times of jumping it my car finnaly stays on and works. Happy ending, we both made it home!
Part two! The next day!
So Saturday we were both bored. Finally at like six we figured we would go out to eat. We headed up to chedders because I had never been there before. While on our way there it starts poring down rain, after a few months with out rain we needed it but really? all at once? that was had to drive in. Oh well It felt good. Of course being a Saturday night and getting there at 6:30 it's packed! We waited a good 25min. And finally got a booth, facing the window. Which was funny cause I was saying how thats what I wanted and that we would probably get a table in the middle of the room. But the food was good :) I approve of Chedders now. After Chedders we went to Starship records On 15th And Lewis. I love that store. Really I do it's just not in the best area. Like I would never go there alone at night. So I was looking at some shiz and this Effing Juggelo freak comes up to me and was all like Hi, Youre really pretty whats your name? Normally I wouldnt have cared but he had wads of cash in his hand. He thought I was an effing prostitute. He continues to try and get me to go to this party because It's his friends birthday and there will be jegger shots blahblahblah and he keeps calling me beautiful and sweet talking. Honestly I felt so dirty at that point. He was very persistant and even got his female friend to try and get my number. Gross. I gave them a fake name and everything. I knew he thought I was a prostitiute. It was just awful. How degrading is that? Thanks alot random douche. Like I said on my facebook, You better have more money then Bill Gates and Oprah, combined On the spot, in cash bitch. Im not a prostitute. Needless to say we got what I needed and got the eff outta there. That has never happened to me in that store before. I love that place. But really?
Part three! So far today.....
So this morning I woke up to Why aren't you at church whats wrong with you? Now put that in every word form possible and repeat 20Xs each. I finnaly got so Tired of it and told Taylor, Ethan and my dad to shut the hell up. I hate it when they do that. They always judge me and assume they are better then me becuase they go to church. Newsflash you aren't. And now I shall go to Julies and make dinner for them :)
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