I hate to admit it but sometimes Oklahoma can really amaze me. It can be random yellow lightning or a freaking tunnel made of trees or some beautiful view of some stupid piece of land that just makes me want to stay in that place forever. Yes this will be a damn happy blog, next to no cussing. But it was an amazing day and I just have to share it. So there i was sitting at home bored and Amanda texts me and asks if I want to go swimming. I told her hell yeah! But that we needed to go to Bluehole. Amanda had never been to Bluehole so I told her we had to go for sure. Bluehole is about an hour away from where we live. We headed out at around two in the after noon. We saw some wierd things on our way, like a pink house, and a hotdog putting on its own mustard, and a house with potty chairs and walkers as their front yard decor. You know you're in Oklahoma when you see potty chairs and walkers as decor. Any way we got lost. We ended up on this dirt road with a billion tree tunnels! Tree tunnels are those trees that surround the road and lean over the road to where it makes a tunnel.... get it? well they are my favorite thing to drive through. Tree tunnels make me happy and appriciate nature. For some wierd reason... Well we follow this dirt road for too long and finally deside to turn around, in this rednecks yard. He sees us and asks where we're going or what we're looking for. I said We need to get to Bluehole. He steps out of his car and is wearing no shirt, and booty shorts. Shorty short shorts. Redneck. He was really nice though and told us exactly how to get to bluehole! We ended up getting there a few mins. later. Moral of the story so far as Amanda put it, Always trust rednecks in booty shorts and no shirt. Any way we get there and its just gorgeous there. There will be a picture in this general area if I get this right.... And now is the part where I will post a bunch of pictures and tell stories. underneath the picture. Jk Some of them wont have explainations becuase this is screwing up. So just look at the damn pictures and be jealous you weren't there. :) Hahaha. Over all it was a great day, That I really needed. Thank you Amanda for putting up with me! I love you! Oh and I hope you liked this Brittney. ;) This one is all for you!
BlueHole. |
Shadow pictures are always a good way to go. |
I am a crazy person. |
lazily drifting with the current. |
We got this floaty from a family whose kid cracked his head open. nbd. |
<><> <>
>>Clear water is the best. And a rare find in the OK. | <><> >>
Well, Let me post this and start a new blog..... I guess I have too many pictures......
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