Sunday, October 31, 2010

The simple things in life.

This is a blog dedicated to the simple things in life that I miss.
I miss my daddy, that hug that I got every single day. I miss when we would watch wipe out together and he would laugh so hard he would start to cry. Come to think of it, I miss hearing his laugh or voice all together!
I miss coming home and walking in on my mom singing love shack. Now that was funny. And it wasnt the only song she would sing. I miss my mom asking my opinion on art decor for the house. I kind of miss my little brothers annoying voices.....I miss my only sister. I miss the lazy sundays where we would all listen to jazz music and lay around the house. I miss the random old school music days. Fly, by: sugar ray. :) I miss my wierd dog Maggie and her strange noises she would always make. I dont miss the high school, but I do miss tech. I kinda liked the morning rides to tech, like the time on the bus when we almost got hit by lightning, oh Oklahoma weather.... you are quite unpredictable. I miss the people in my tech class, I miss my Julz!!! I need a Kirsten and Julz adventure stat! I miss those days she n I would go to the gypsy or the mall, or even to her house! I miss those car rides with julz, man we talked about strange things! I miss getting in trouble at tech all the time! Especially with Kolby! ha! oh geez I miss that kid! I miss my little Alex! And Megan! And working on our project! Cutest project ever! I miss Shannon and Katie, omg they are so freakin funny! Can you tell that i loved this class? This might throw you off but i miss my teacher! best teacher i've ever had! But i'm not sure if he liked me too much... :p Aparently i was a pain in the butt.
I miss laying out on the trampoline and listening to my ipod, on a clear beautiful day that was the perfect temperature. I beleive the world has a soundtrack to each one of our lives and its our job to find out what it is. :)
I miss having pancakes every saturday morning. I miss carving pumpkins together as a family. I'm going to miss Thanksgiving as a family. I miss having dinner as a family every night. I miss my moms cooking. I miss full size showers, i miss my bed. I miss my home ward but not alot because there were a few people who hated me. I miss my favorite YW leader. She is the best! Sister Steed I love you and hope you got my letter. I miss being able to drive! I miss knowing where i am! Learning a new city is a pain in the butt. I miss nice people.... oh lord. ha. I miss Arizona and my family down there. I miss being able to cross the street without almost getting hit by a car.
Well as you can see there are alot of things that I miss and i'm sure i didnt get to them all. But I think I really needed to get this out. I do love it here, but there are just some things that everyone will always miss.  I think it was a very good move coming here, I appriciate alot more of life.

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