This is a blog dedicated to the simple things in life that I miss.
I miss my daddy, that hug that I got every single day. I miss when we would watch wipe out together and he would laugh so hard he would start to cry. Come to think of it, I miss hearing his laugh or voice all together!
I miss coming home and walking in on my mom singing love shack. Now that was funny. And it wasnt the only song she would sing. I miss my mom asking my opinion on art decor for the house. I kind of miss my little brothers annoying voices.....I miss my only sister. I miss the lazy sundays where we would all listen to jazz music and lay around the house. I miss the random old school music days. Fly, by: sugar ray. :) I miss my wierd dog Maggie and her strange noises she would always make. I dont miss the high school, but I do miss tech. I kinda liked the morning rides to tech, like the time on the bus when we almost got hit by lightning, oh Oklahoma weather.... you are quite unpredictable. I miss the people in my tech class, I miss my Julz!!! I need a Kirsten and Julz adventure stat! I miss those days she n I would go to the gypsy or the mall, or even to her house! I miss those car rides with julz, man we talked about strange things! I miss getting in trouble at tech all the time! Especially with Kolby! ha! oh geez I miss that kid! I miss my little Alex! And Megan! And working on our project! Cutest project ever! I miss Shannon and Katie, omg they are so freakin funny! Can you tell that i loved this class? This might throw you off but i miss my teacher! best teacher i've ever had! But i'm not sure if he liked me too much... :p Aparently i was a pain in the butt.
I miss laying out on the trampoline and listening to my ipod, on a clear beautiful day that was the perfect temperature. I beleive the world has a soundtrack to each one of our lives and its our job to find out what it is. :)
I miss having pancakes every saturday morning. I miss carving pumpkins together as a family. I'm going to miss Thanksgiving as a family. I miss having dinner as a family every night. I miss my moms cooking. I miss full size showers, i miss my bed. I miss my home ward but not alot because there were a few people who hated me. I miss my favorite YW leader. She is the best! Sister Steed I love you and hope you got my letter. I miss being able to drive! I miss knowing where i am! Learning a new city is a pain in the butt. I miss nice people.... oh lord. ha. I miss Arizona and my family down there. I miss being able to cross the street without almost getting hit by a car.
Well as you can see there are alot of things that I miss and i'm sure i didnt get to them all. But I think I really needed to get this out. I do love it here, but there are just some things that everyone will always miss. I think it was a very good move coming here, I appriciate alot more of life.

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
I have to pee....
Here it is, 2am again. I have seen this too many times since i've come out to college. Good thing Passion Pit is playing! I freakin love them. .....Pee break. Dang i thought i would last longer then three sentances. Oh well. I have to be honest now, I miss Oklahoma. The very simple things. Like carving pumpkins together as a family.... I did that alone tonight. It wasnt as enjoyable as you would think. But it was a heck of a lot better then being 5th wheel. Yep you guessed it! The boyfriends came over tonight. Then Corbin started telling me about this guy and how i should be girlfriend #2 for him, literaly, this guy already has a girlfriend, I'm sorry, but I am not a home wreaker. i dont do that. And that was about the same point i went into the kitechen and started to carve a pumpkin. alone. woot. Thank you Ali for coming home and helping me later on! We had fun! I love her! Oh! I just want to say that I have taken all my dishes and cleaned them by hand and put them away. Then i wrote a note (more like a letter) saying no one could use them. I think talala was upset when she read it. ...who cares!? I have a feeling that an essay is due on monday.... i should go check on that. oh! i know i have that personality quiz and a reading prep, thank you british boy that looks like Colt! Can i just say i love his accent!? But really, everytime he talks i actually listen! I love english accents!
I miss Julz. I will make a full list of the things i miss tomorrow.... or later today i guess. i've got to got to sleep. Goodnight world! Smile like you mean it.
I miss Julz. I will make a full list of the things i miss tomorrow.... or later today i guess. i've got to got to sleep. Goodnight world! Smile like you mean it.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Silverwear delema just as things are starting to look up for me.
Yes, I have a job! Great news right? I am also looking for apartments with my besties! (My fave roomies) Haleigh, Ali, Kelsey, and I are on the hunt for great apartments! And Salt Lake, you have a few that we may be falling in love with! And the best part is, split between four people it'll be way cheaper then this piece of shiz we live in right now. We pay too much for this nasty place. Speaking of nasty, I have asked everyone, yes, everyone was present when i announced this, to NOT use my silverwear or dishes. I have a wierd fedish that i can't use someone elses silverwear. I examen the fork or whatever to the extreem then wash it myself at a friends house or resteraunt especially. All my dishes including silverwear are currently dirty because some people in this house do not respect me! I will not wash it if I did not use it! Even if it is mine. Thants gross. So i was eating with my hands this morning and Talala comes in and is using MY fork. Right in front of me. Gross. So i said, "talala, i do not wash my forks, because only I am supposed to use them." She goes, "its okay, i washed it." and goes on her merry way using my fork. I am pissed at her. I usually always am any way but i am not gonna wash my dishes when i am not using them. I really dont like her. gah! im so frustrated and tense living in this house. its wayy gross. for real. I have been collecting the trash, cleaning the kitchen, and cleaning the living room, including vacuming and sweeping, and for what? One day tops of clenliness. its stupid and pointless. i will not do this any more. its never even my mess. this is lame. hopefully i will find an apartment soon! smile like you mean it guys!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Jobs, work, complaints.
So I have been looking for jobs with Haliegh all day! Oh Kelsey joined us later. :) Can i just say I want my car back!!!! NOW!!! It is the biggest pain in the butt to not have one and it seriously limits your options for jobs. They have to be within walking distance. Thank goodness for the mall close by! Bad news about that is they are mostly wanting seasonal workers, I will be gone over Christmas break to visit family and get my tonsils out, so that's almost a turn off for most these store managers. sigh. I did go to a group interview today.
AND I SERIOUSLY JUST GOT A CALL! FROM FOREVER 21! I GOT THE JOB! and the best part, NOT SEASONAL! :)) Who is starting out at $8.50/hr? This girl right here! I am in such a good mood now, i dont remember what i was going to complain about.... isnt it amazing what a phonecall will do for ya? :) it can change your whole outlook on a day! well smile like you mean it!
AND I SERIOUSLY JUST GOT A CALL! FROM FOREVER 21! I GOT THE JOB! and the best part, NOT SEASONAL! :)) Who is starting out at $8.50/hr? This girl right here! I am in such a good mood now, i dont remember what i was going to complain about.... isnt it amazing what a phonecall will do for ya? :) it can change your whole outlook on a day! well smile like you mean it!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Like, Whoa!
Haleigh and I had a photoshoot yesterday for our band Like, Whoa!
its not the most professional we took the pictures ourselves and I edited them. Here are a few, enjoy! :)
its not the most professional we took the pictures ourselves and I edited them. Here are a few, enjoy! :)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
New Doctor. :)
First i have to tell you to check out my bands blog This is a work in progress! Haleigh and I are very excited though. We will be working more! we're actually taking band pictures today! :)
Okay, so back to the Doctor. This place is very nice i must say. I felt really calm. Normally I cry.... no really i do. Especially when getting shots. Which i was to be doing this day. I had my friends Ali and Haleigh come with me for moral support. (such great friends.) :) So as you know the nurse comes into the waiting room and calls your name. The nurse came in and says, "Kurstin" (pronounced like spelled) So i say, "oh you mean Kearsten" (pronounced as spelled.) And she goes "No, Kurstin". ....i think i know how my name is pronounced. But i went in anyway. We did the norm. Get my wieght, blood pressure ect. I was a new patient today so I had to answer alot of questions for the nurse. Then the nurse left and the doctor came in. Remember Haleigh and Ali are in the room with me the whole time. So this doctor enjoys asking me over and over again if i am sexually active. I am not so the correct answer which i give her is no. She seems very doubtful of this. (my daddy said its because i'm just so cute...) But seriously, why would I lie to a doctor about that? Well, she decides the sex ed we all take in high school was not enough! She proseeds to tell me about condoms.
Dr.: "Do you know what a condom is"?
me: "Yes."
Dr. : "Do you know how they work and what they do"?
me: "Yes."
(incert haleigh and alis Funny faces they are making here.)
Dr: "Okay well this is how you would go about putting one on...."
(please remember she is a medical professional and obviously this takes a medical professional to explain. jk)
(all thoughout i am giggling and saying stupid things like "yes, oh really, thats crazy!, wow, okay., i had no idea") Im a terrible person. :)
Dr."you can take the condom out of the package, they are really easy to get, no perscription nessisary, then you blow it up....or put water in it!" (me:snickering but looking interrested.)
Dr. continuing: "And just remember if you roll it on be sure it isn't upsidedown cause then it wont roll down." (thanks doc) oh wait, this gets better!
Dr.: "Now the end of the condom has a tip that holds the jizz" (she really said jizz) haha!
Dr. "But if he pulls out wrong the condom could break, pop, or it could just leak into you." (joy)
At this time she shows me the proper way for a boy to pull out. You have to hold the base of the condom and you cant be "floppy". her words not mine. Iwas cracking up! Poor Ali and Haleigh! they had to have this sex ed class aswell. anyway to sum it up, i think she really thought i was sexually active and wanted to make sure i was doing things correct. Little does she know, she does not have to worry about me. Just to let everyone know i love this doctor, she is very honest and doesnt use super long complicated medical terms. And as a plus I didnt cry when i got my flu shot, and! i didnt try to run away. :) all in all it was a good day and i am happy i now have a doctor here that cares about my health... alot! hahahaha!
Smile like you mean it!
Okay, so back to the Doctor. This place is very nice i must say. I felt really calm. Normally I cry.... no really i do. Especially when getting shots. Which i was to be doing this day. I had my friends Ali and Haleigh come with me for moral support. (such great friends.) :) So as you know the nurse comes into the waiting room and calls your name. The nurse came in and says, "Kurstin" (pronounced like spelled) So i say, "oh you mean Kearsten" (pronounced as spelled.) And she goes "No, Kurstin". ....i think i know how my name is pronounced. But i went in anyway. We did the norm. Get my wieght, blood pressure ect. I was a new patient today so I had to answer alot of questions for the nurse. Then the nurse left and the doctor came in. Remember Haleigh and Ali are in the room with me the whole time. So this doctor enjoys asking me over and over again if i am sexually active. I am not so the correct answer which i give her is no. She seems very doubtful of this. (my daddy said its because i'm just so cute...) But seriously, why would I lie to a doctor about that? Well, she decides the sex ed we all take in high school was not enough! She proseeds to tell me about condoms.
Dr.: "Do you know what a condom is"?
me: "Yes."
Dr. : "Do you know how they work and what they do"?
me: "Yes."
(incert haleigh and alis Funny faces they are making here.)
Dr: "Okay well this is how you would go about putting one on...."
(please remember she is a medical professional and obviously this takes a medical professional to explain. jk)
(all thoughout i am giggling and saying stupid things like "yes, oh really, thats crazy!, wow, okay., i had no idea") Im a terrible person. :)
Dr."you can take the condom out of the package, they are really easy to get, no perscription nessisary, then you blow it up....or put water in it!" (me:snickering but looking interrested.)
Dr. continuing: "And just remember if you roll it on be sure it isn't upsidedown cause then it wont roll down." (thanks doc) oh wait, this gets better!
Dr.: "Now the end of the condom has a tip that holds the jizz" (she really said jizz) haha!
Dr. "But if he pulls out wrong the condom could break, pop, or it could just leak into you." (joy)
At this time she shows me the proper way for a boy to pull out. You have to hold the base of the condom and you cant be "floppy". her words not mine. Iwas cracking up! Poor Ali and Haleigh! they had to have this sex ed class aswell. anyway to sum it up, i think she really thought i was sexually active and wanted to make sure i was doing things correct. Little does she know, she does not have to worry about me. Just to let everyone know i love this doctor, she is very honest and doesnt use super long complicated medical terms. And as a plus I didnt cry when i got my flu shot, and! i didnt try to run away. :) all in all it was a good day and i am happy i now have a doctor here that cares about my health... alot! hahahaha!
Smile like you mean it!
All nighter!
So here i am, at the computer next to none other than Haleigh with a Y. Oh man, we both can't sleep. It's bad. We have made cookies, painted (paper and nails), made new blogs, followed eachothers blogs, and watched a few funny videos on youtube/facebook. We both have classes in the morning. Not sure if we'll make it. Just Kidding! i will still be awake. I'll just go off of no sleep. Nothing new there. "Pass out at three, wake up at ten, go out to eat, then do it again. Man i love college." Yeah, i quoted asher roth. We listen to that song atleast twice a day. Now for some real news, it was my friends birthday yesterday! Awww! My little Shanie-Cakes is 19! Legal in Utah! He turned legal twice! ....Kinda stupid Utah. Anyway it was a nice night. Not so sure about his date though, she glared at me, and was a little scary. Also to continue complaining about Utah, IT'S FREAKIN COLD! I hate the cold! Hey Utah, can you turn up the heat a little? Thanks, you're a doll! We all know unfortunately this won't be happening. I suppose i wouldn't mind it so much if i had my car with me! (Excuse me, My dads car that he lets me drive.) That was a precaution just in case my daddy reads this. Enough complaining, it's very nice here and i do like it! I have met great new friends and great new haters. It was actually Kelsey D. and my 2 month friend anniversary, same day as shanies Birthday! Randomly, i want to tell everyone that you should get MGMT's new cd, Congratulations. It is beautiful! I seriously misjudged their new music and i appologize. I have to go to the doctor tomorrow. It's a new doctor, i've never seen her face before and i have to get two shots n whatnot, I am frightened. I will probably cry.... or try to run away. Good thing Ali and Haleigh are coming with me! Oh wait, they'll see me cry over a small needle. Maybe this isn't a good idea. This is such a random blog! oh my! i swear i have a good excuse.... Well maybe i've just never been good at recording and telling stories. Yeah, my rents have always told me that. I miss my dog Maggie. We r who we r. oh Ke$ha, dearest. good one! Another random sparatic moment brought to you by Kirsten! i love you Julz! i miss you! .....i need sleep! :) I am in a band with Haleigh P! yeah be jealous! We'll be forever young! oh gosh.... im done. remember to smile like you mean it! Cause everyone looks better when they smile! now go have an adventure!
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